Welcome to the 2018 season here you will find the information, playbook, and schedule for this upcoming season as well as expectations and rules that will be followed to be a member of this team.
My goal as the girls basketball coach is to develop these players both on and off the court. We will carry ourselves to a higher level of standards, where grades and conduct are just as important as family and basketball. That respect will be shown at all times of the season on and off the court and throughout the school year as now they are a member of the Girls basketball team.
Team Offensive Concepts |
Our offensive strategies will be based on the following concepts: - We want players who can play and develop at a high level of speed (passing, ball handling, rebounding, and shooting) in the full and half court - We want players who will develop into team mates and learn sportsmanship - The offenses will change based on our talent. However there will be a series of base plays that all players will need to be able to execute. PROGRESSION We must first secure the ball to begin our offense with a steal, loose ball recovery or rebound. Therefore a premium will be placed on players who can get the ball. We will always try to run the primary break (2-1 or 3-0), and then a secondary break offense before going into our set offenses. Coaches will then call and set the offensive play. POINTS ABOUT OUR PLAYS - Timing is of the essence - we must have players who can get the ball (passing again) where it needs to be at the right time. - Players must understand their role and follow in on each play. - Each play has a different alignment, but on all pass entries the post must get the wing open. We may reset and run another play if all options do not produce a good shot, or we may just "play" |
DATES W - L TIME OPPONENT Wednesday 1/24/2018 W 4/5:00 PM GUILFORD Wednesday 1/31/2018 L 4/5:00 PM GLENMOUNT Wednesday 2/7/2018 L 4/5:00 PM AT GILFORD Wednesday 2/14/2018 W 4/5:00 PM FORT WORTHINGTON Wednesday 2/21/2018 L 4/5:00 PM AT HAMILTON Wednesday 2/28/2018 W 4/5:00 PM LILLY MAY TEAM RECORD3 - 3GAME SCORES DATES L - W SCORE OPPONENT SCORE
1/24/2018 W LEITH WALK - 12 vs. GUILFORD - 2 1/31/2018 L LEITH WALK - 4 vs. GLENMOUNT - 16 2/7/2018 L LEITH WALK - 6 vs. AT GUILFORD - 13 2/14/2018 W LEITH WALK - 10 vs. FORT WORTHINGTON - 4 2/21/2018 L LEITH WALK - 6 vs. AT HAMILTON - 27 2/28/2018 W LEITH WALK - 11 vs. LILLY MAY - 9 |