Step 1
Cut a nice sized rectangle of brown kraft paper or use the
front of a paper bag.
front of a paper bag.
Step 2
Fold in half lengthwise.
Using the fold line as the center of the pot, trace out and nice
profile shape. Supply the students with some reference material
to help them design their pots.
Starting in the 6th century BC you have masters of painted
pottery in Greece. There are several styles of vessels from the
grand amphoras to smaller everyday pots.
- (amphora images)
This design I'm using here is an amphora.
Using the fold line as the center of the pot, trace out and nice
profile shape. Supply the students with some reference material
to help them design their pots.
Starting in the 6th century BC you have masters of painted
pottery in Greece. There are several styles of vessels from the
grand amphoras to smaller everyday pots.
- (amphora images)
This design I'm using here is an amphora.
Step 3
Cut out the design and when you unfold the paper you'll have a
nice symmetrical shape.
nice symmetrical shape.
Step 4
For the pot's main design sketch it out on black paper using a
white pencil crayon.
Cut out and then turn over to hide any pencil crayon marks.
white pencil crayon.
Cut out and then turn over to hide any pencil crayon marks.
Step 5
Glue into place.
Step 6
Finally add some details to your main design with a white or
light yellow gel pen.
That's it
light yellow gel pen.
That's it